Using collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA), we help stakeholders go beyond traditional monitoring and evaluation. Collaborating with stakeholders and partners helps us learn from our projects’ data. By adapting our approaches using lessons learned, we can reduce inefficiencies and improve our development impact. We strive to implement management best practices to create an environment of knowledge sharing to maximize results. By using CLA approaches in our projects, we seek to go beyond monitoring and evaluating, so we can learn from activities and implement most effectively.
Around the globe, we work to find life-changing solutions that transform lives and make the planet a better place for mankind.
Good Planet International Foundation is a registered charity in the UK.
Charity no: 1199457
Good Planet International Inc. is a registered non-profit in the U.S. (EIN/Tax ID: 38-4210146). Limited by guarantee (1947553) Good Planet is a non-profit company in Nigeria.
Around the globe, we work to find life-changing solutions that transform lives and make the planet a better place for mankind.
Good Planet International Foundation is a registered charity in the UK.
Charity no: 1199457
Good Planet International Inc. is a registered non-profit in the U.S. (EIN/Tax ID: 38-4210146). Limited by guarantee (1947553). Good Planet is a non-profit company in Nigeria.