Social inclusion is the process by which efforts are made to ensure equal opportunities – that everyone, regardless of their background, can achieve their full potential in life. Such efforts include policies and actions that promote equal access to (public) services as well as enable citizen’s participation in the decision-making processes that affect their lives.
Social cohesion is a related concept that parallels that of social integration in many respects. A socially cohesive society is one where all groups have a sense of belonging, participation, inclusion, recognition and legitimacy. Such societies are not necessarily demographically homogenous. Rather, by respecting diversity, they harness the potential residing in their societal diversity (in terms of ideas, opinions, skills, etc.). Therefore, they are less prone to slip into destructive patterns of tension and conflict when different interests collide.
Around the globe, we work to find life-changing solutions that transform lives and make the planet a better place for mankind.
Good Planet International Foundation is a registered charity in the UK.
Charity no: 1199457
Good Planet International Inc. is a registered non-profit in the U.S. (EIN/Tax ID: 38-4210146). Limited by guarantee (1947553) Good Planet is a non-profit company in Nigeria.
Around the globe, we work to find life-changing solutions that transform lives and make the planet a better place for mankind.
Good Planet International Foundation is a registered charity in the UK.
Charity no: 1199457
Good Planet International Inc. is a registered non-profit in the U.S. (EIN/Tax ID: 38-4210146). Limited by guarantee (1947553). Good Planet is a non-profit company in Nigeria.